Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Liberal Mindbrings the first profound examination of the most relevant political madness in our time: the radical left's efforts to regulate people from the cradle to the grave.

Liberal Mind brings the first profound examination of the most relevant political madness in our time: the radical left's efforts to regulate people from the cradle to the grave.

To save us from our turbulent lives, the leftist agenda recommends the denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and other-commiseration, promotes government dependence, as well as sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, apologizes for the financial obligation , justifies robbery, ignores coarseness, prescribes complaint and imputation of guilt, denigrates marriage and family, legalizes all abortions, defies social and religious tradition, declares the injustice of inequality, and rebels against the duties of citizenship.

Through multiple rights to non-acquired goods, services and social status, the left-wing politician promises to ensure the material well-being of all, providing health for all, protecting everyone's self-esteem, correcting all social and political disadvantages, educating every citizen, as well as eliminating all class distinctions.

Radical leftism thus attacks the foundations of civilized freedom. Given their irrational goals, coercive methods and historical failures, coupled with their perverse effects on the development of character, there can be no doubt of the madness contained in the radical agenda. Only an irrational agenda would defend a systematic destruction of the foundations that guarantee organized freedom.

Only an irrational man would want the state deciding his life for him, instead creating security for him to run his own life. Only an irrational agenda would deliberately attempt to undermine the citizen's growth toward competence by adopting it by the state. Only irrational thinking would trade individual liberty for the coercion of government, sacrificing the pride of self-sufficiency to dependence on well-being.

Only a madman would visualize a community of free people cooperating and see in it a society of victims exploited by villains.

"O Psiquiatra Lyle Rossiter Nos Comprova Que O Esquerdismo É Uma Doença Mental". 2013. Web.Archive.Org. Accessed April 12 2018.

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