Saturday, April 7, 2018

Current Events: Kamala Harris v the United States of America

California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris went on the attack Wednesday, calling President Donald Trump’s plan for a border wall a “gross misuse of taxpayer money.”

"Kamala Harris Fires Off At Trump, Her Comment Blows Up In Her Face!". 2018. Envolve. Accessed April 7 2018.

He, President Donald Trump, during his Presidential campaign vowed to raise up a wall separating the US's southern border from the Mexican frontier. He never lied and that vow won him many votes that he would not have won among America's voters had he not vowed to do that.

Kamala Harris attacks that plan for that wall as a gross misuse of taxpayer money?

It was the taxpayers who knew in advance of President Trump's vow to erect that wall who made Donald Trump into President Trump. I am one of those taxpayers. I want the President's vowed wall to be erected and to act as a stumbling block before the hordes of illegal aliens (no, not illegal immigrants) from south of the US border.

It appears that Kamala Harris, this supposed US Senator, overlooks that taxpayers prefer to have their national leadership invest the revenues from those taxes to erect that wall over having their tax monies be used to finance the lifestyles of illegal aliens already inside the national territory of the United States.

What is to Kamala Harris the gross misuse of taxpayer money constitutes to the tax payers who paid that money to be the fulfillment of promises made during the Presidential campaign and the manifestation of the will of the tax payer. It is the tax payers,not Kamala Harris, the sole party entitled to evaluate and categorize what that money being spent on building that wall represents.

Furthermore, as a tax payer, Kamala Harris does not speak for me nor for the tax money that my employer issued and issues to Uncle Sam each pay period that I got paid for work I did and do.

In contrast, this President, President Trump, who is spending that tax money in my name to build that wall, he does speak for me.

And he is indeed serving me by building that wall.

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