Friday, April 6, 2018

California Needs a new Conservative Revolution

California Needs a Conservative Revolution - Let's all of us Conservative Americans join forces and help Conservative Californians - they're out there - rise up and overturn currently leftist voting districts into conservative ones.

Op­er­a­tion Cobra was the co­de­name for an of­fen­sive launched by the First United States Army (Lieu­tenant Gen­eral Omar Bradley) seven weeks after the D-Day land­ings, dur­ing the Nor­mandy Cam­paign of World War II. The in­ten­tion was to take ad­van­tage of the dis­trac­tion of the Ger­mans by the British and Cana­dian at­tacks around Caen, in Op­er­a­tion Good­wood[11] and break through the Ger­man de­fenses that were pen­ning in his troops, while the Ger­mans were un­bal­anced. Once a cor­ri­dor had been cre­ated, the First Army would then be able to ad­vance into Brit­tany, rolling up the Ger­man flanks once free of the con­straints of the bocage coun­try. After a slow start the of­fen­sive gath­ered mo­men­tum and Ger­man re­sis­tance col­lapsed as scat­tered rem­nants of bro­ken units fought to es­cape to the Seine. Lack­ing the re­sources to cope with the sit­u­a­tion, the Ger­man re­sponse was in­ef­fec­tual and the en­tire Nor­mandy front soon col­lapsed. Op­er­a­tion Cobra, to­gether with con­cur­rent of­fen­sives by the British Sec­ond Army and the Cana­dian First Army, was de­ci­sive in se­cur­ing an Al­lied vic­tory in the Nor­mandy Campaign.

2018. Wiki2.Org. Accessed April 6 2018.

Just as the Allied leadership in 1944 in the aftermath of the successful Normandy landings, realized they needed to break beyond the beaches - we Conservative Americans still have the Senate, the House of Representatives, numerous state legislatures, and governorships. We to to break out and expand, especially in currently hostile states such as New York, California, etc.

This one's about California. There are multitudes of unhappy Californians out there and they need our support. Let's help them, let's strengthen them. Let's help them conquer their state. Let's help Conservative Californians liberate their state.

They need our help. Let's help them liberate themselves from their hostile, leftist rulers from the Democratic Party that shows a preference for illegal aliens (yes, aliens) and not illegal immigrants. Illegal Immigrants don't even exist. They're aliens, invaders. Not immigrants.

And the leftist californian rulers misrule, Disgovern the state, and consume resources. Let's help, let's inspire the Conservative Californians save what's left of their now poor, destroyed state.

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