Saturday, March 3, 2018

What makes the illegal entrant into the United States into an illegal alien?

"Jorge Ramos's claim that the term illegal immigrant cannot stand because there exist no illegal persons" is an invalid syllogism. Merely doing the act of being a person regardless of where that person is - cannot subject that person to either a legal or illegal existence. Therefore, Jorge Ramos's syllogistic terminology amounts to a thread of semantic trickery.

What Jorge Ramos omitted in his syllogism and did so, I suspect, on purpose -- is the discrepancy between the person's state of existence as a person versus that existing person's presence inside the national territory of the United States. That person's mode of entry into the national territory of the United States at the point of entry into the National Territory of the United States -- Defines that person's type of presence While inside the National Territory of the United States.

And in turn, the kind of presence (legal versus illegal) of that person, as the entrant into the National Territory of the United States, thus Defines that person's right to continue Staying Present inside the National Territory of the United States as a Legal Immigrant - Or - Having to Leave the National Territory of the United States in order to Avoid Having to Go to Jail as the penalty for Having Entered the National Territory of the United States without Permission of the United States' Immigration authorities, without having gone through the legally managed process, without having produced and handed over to the Immigration Authorities, the required documents at the point of entry into the National Territory of the United States.

Thus the term illegal Immigrant Cannot exist. However, Illegal Alien Does Exist. Or if Illegal Alien Is too harsh a term for Mr. Jorge Ramos's sensitivity and sensibilities, May I then suggest that we resort to the term: Illegal Entrant?

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